How Would a Soft Tissue Laser Benefit You?

June 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mylakeforest @ 10:32 am
A closeup of a soft tissue laser used on a patient

When you think of dental tools, you likely imagine some clichéd items. Things like oral drills, mouth mirrors, and suction devices may come to mind. However, today’s dentistry happens to rely on advanced technology. A notable example is the soft tissue laser, which has pretty great oral effects. Your McKinney dentist will even tell you about its upsides. To that end, here’s a summary of the perks to expect from a modern dental laser.

It Can Fix Your Gummy Smile

As you might know, dentists have traditional ways of treating gum disease. One such approach is root scaling and planing, deep cleaning below the gumline. That said, this therapy is much more helpful when it includes a dental laser.

You see, a dental laser targets gum disease with high precision. It allows easier access to calculus deposits and eliminates overly-infected tissue. In fact, the tissue removal is quite smooth due to the laser cauterizing your wounds.

It Can Manage Your Gum Disease

As you might know, dentists have traditional ways to treat gum disease. One such approach is root scaling and planing, which is a deep cleaning below the gumline. That said, this therapy is much more helpful  when it includes a dental laser.

You see, a dental laser targets gum disease with high precision. It allows easier access to calculus deposits and eliminates overly-infected tissue. In fact, the tissue removal is quite smooth due to the laser cauterizing your wounds.

It Can Help with Implant Recovery

If you don’t already know, dental implants aren’t just placed by hand. Dentists make incisions in your gums to create space for them. Naturally, these surgical cuts can irritate the tissue and even lead to trauma.

Fortunately, a dental laser helps gums recover from implant work. The device modifies the soft tissue to minimize oral irritation.

It Can Perform a Frenectomy

When a child suffers from a tongue-tie or lip-tie, they can get a frenectomy. This procedure removes a small tissue fold restricting tongue or lip movement. While it can be done with a scalpel, though, a frenectomy via dental laser is the better option.

A laser-based frenectomy is nice for various reasons. For one thing, it doesn’t require anesthesia. At the same time, it involves little bleeding due to the cauterizing effect.

Ultimately, a soft tissue laser can offer many benefits for you. With that said, see your dental provider soon to use the technology.

About the Practice

Lake Forest Dental is based in McKinney, TX. Led by Dr. Steve Cha, our practice strives for the very best in dentistry. To that end, we offer preventive, cosmetic, and restorative services tailored to each patient’s unique smile. Our office also uses the latest dental technology, including 3D cone beam imaging and a high-quality soft tissue laser. For more information or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (972)-529-1800.

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